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www.AnunturiDinBuzau.ro - Anunturi gratuite din Judetul BUZAU


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Conferinta LUMEN MEPDEV 2015 Targoviste

Asociatia LUMEN, Centrul de Conferinte LUMEN si Centrul de Cercetari Socio-Umane LUMEN impreuna cu partenerii au deosebita onoare de a va invita la un eveniment stiintific de exceptie: Conferinta Internationala Stiintifica LUMEN Multidimensional Education and Professional Development. Ethical Values – MEPDEV 2015, 12-14 noiembrie 2015, Targoviste, Romania http://conferinta.info/ Sunt asteptate lucrari care au ca domenii de interes: stiintele sociale, sociologie, metodologie, psihologie si stiintele educatiei, politici si studii europene, comunicare, drept, filosofie aplicata, antropologie, management. Oportunitati de publicare: - publicare in volum de proceedings (propus pentru a fi indexat in ISI Thomson Reuters – conference Proceedings Citation Index) - publicare in jurnale stiintifice ISSN (indexate in Baze de Date Internationale). Pentru infomatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati la adresa de e-mail: lumenconference@gmail.com . Va asteptam cu drag alaturi de noi la cele doua evenimente! Dr. Ana Frunza - Co- director LUMEN Conference Prof. univ. Dr. Antonio Sandu - Director LUMEN Conference
Localitatea: TARGOVISTE
Pret: 1 RON

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Adaugat in categoria ANUNTURI / Diverse, in data de: 12-08-2022

ANUNT PUBLIC Societatea TREI BRUTARI S.R.L, cu sediul social în în municipiul Târgovişte, Str. Laminorului nr. 56A, jud. Dâmboviţa, cod fiscal RO 23784748, nr. de înmatriculare la Registrul comertului J15/571/2008, anunţă publicul intresat asupra depunerii solicitării de obţinere a Avizului de Gospodărire a Apelor din partea Apele Române pentru amplasamentul localizat în Municipiul Buzău, şoseaua Brăilei, nr. 15, jud. Buzău. Aceasta investitie „CASARE PUŢ FORAT EXISTENT ŞI REALIZARE FORAJ DE ALIMENTARE IN INCINTA PUNCTULUI DE LUCRU-BUZĂU”, presupune realizarea alimentării cu apă din incinta obiectivului situat la adresa mai sus menţionată. Această solicitare de aviz este conformă cu prevederile Legii apelor nr. 107/1996, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare. Persoanele care doresc sa obţină informaţii suplimentare cu privire la solicitarea avizului de gospodarire a apelor pot contacta solicitantul de aviz la adresa menţionată.
Localitatea: BUZAU
Pret: 00000 RON

ATENTIE! Acest anunt este mai vechi de 90 de zile!

Adaugat in categoria ANUNTURI / Diverse, in data de: 13-02-2020

Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Postmodern Openings Journal (a Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics indexed journal) The editorial team of Postmodern Openings Journal and LUMEN Publishing House has the privilege to invite scholars around the world to publish their research papers on postmodern studies and related fields, in our journal, in 2020. Consult https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/po/ for submitting a paper for evaluation, becoming a reviewer or a guest editor. The Postmodern Openings journal is covered in Web of Sciences (WOS) - Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters); EBSCO; Index Copernicus; CEEOL; Ulrich ProQuest; Cabell, Journalseek; Scipio; Philpapers; SHERPA/RoMEO repositories; KVK; WorldCat; CrossRef; J-GATE; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; Socionet; Google Scholar; For supplementary information about publishing in the journal please contact us at: edituralumen@gmail.com or see our journal at: https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/po/index
Localitatea: IASI
Pret: 0 RON
Call for papers, for 2020 - Postmodern Openings Journal

ATENTIE! Acest anunt este mai vechi de 90 de zile!

Adaugat in categoria ANUNTURI / Diverse, in data de: 18-05-2017

Have you dipped your toes inside of the online water with advertising? Are you hunting for your own product to trade for high profits associated with low commission rate? As a rule, is actually not always more profitable provide your own products compared to the products of other things. So where do fruits and vegetables? You should be prepared to inquire about help and take advice and criticism from others- Entrepreneurs & Executives and home-based people who run businesses are always prepared to ask about help and take advice and constructive criticism from others. Sometimes you get stuck at a plateau an individual need a little advice from others about how to take that next measure. You need to surround yourself by incorporating mentors in a position help consider your business to the next stage. Whether you happen to be doctor, carpenter, mover, salon manager or whatever business you own online or off, this is not a secret -- prospects are existence blood. The secret's not be needing targeted sales leads; rather, how are you planning to target product sales leads you seek? The actual secret is finding out the simplest and fastest strategy target leads for your business. Even better, find an affordable way to maintain your best prospects lining up at your door waiting to be removed! 8) STAY FOR THE DURATION! As soon as you make a consignment to attend an event, then stay for the full program. Of course, you can always find unique and unexpected circumstances - Get talking this. There is great content right by means of the last moment. As there is a great opportunity for learning, connecting, providing testimonials - all over to, and after, the program has was concluded. Be that person who takes full assistance! That is where many opportunities exist! The top entrepreneurs do those first two things, and just refuse in order to stop. If individual who is always where participating in something to go, keep learning and trying new things and you constantly adjust the course, but shortly get recently there. It might take longer, and it'd be an excellent deal harder, but you're gonna get around. My respond to this reality that at present, there's a shortcut pertaining to being successful, and then you already realize it. This shortcut is Internet. Now, with the facility of Web, you can be an entrepreneur, work originating from a property, have to have risking a number of money. You may also start from scratch, while did and employ the facility of Web to Advertise your products as an example. Now often used many of the ways that successful entrepreneurs have launched private businesses their own home clinic. You can create the same achievement a good business. Start today to plan your own house business with these as well as you can observe your own ideas wake up. http://beforeitsnews.com/business/2015/05/new-youtube-videos-about-robert-smoley-released-2707190.html-smoley - robert smoley robert smoley
Localitatea: SISHEN

ATENTIE! Acest anunt este mai vechi de 90 de zile!

Adaugat in categoria ANUNTURI / Diverse, in data de: 10-10-2016

Asociatia LUMEN are onoarea sa va invite la a 2-a editie a Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference este un eveniment de natura multidisciplinara, a carui obiectiv general este promovarea excelentei stiintifice, incurajand contributii originale in domeniile abordate de conferinta. Conferinta Internationala LUMEN CEE MEPDEV2016 isi propune sa evidentieze si sa aduca in dezbatere cadrele actuale ale educatiei multidimensionale si a dezvoltarii profesionale, sub considerentele valorilor etice intr-un context multicultural Central si Est European. Termenul limita pentru normal registration este 20 Octombrie 2016. Lucrarile prezentate in cadrul LUMEN CEE MEPDEV 2016 pot fi publicate in volume propuse spre a fi indexate in Thomson Reuters (ISI) precum si si in jurnale open access cu ISSN, indexate in baze de date internationale, publicate de Editura LUMEN. Sunt asteptate lucrari in stiinte sociale si umaniste, fara o limitare concreta, incurajand abordarile transdisciplinare care depasesc clivajul existent dintre teorie si empiric. Va invitam sa contribuiti cu lucrari stiintifice, prezentate oral, virtual sau poster, in unul din domeniile conferintei LUMEN CEE MEPDEV 2016. Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa vizitati site-ul: http://lumen.international/ Puteti trimite propunerile Dumneavoastre pe adresa lumeninternational15@gmail.com Va asteptam cu drag!
Localitatea: TARGOVISTE
Pret: 1 RON

ATENTIE! Acest anunt este mai vechi de 90 de zile!

Adaugat in categoria ANUNTURI / Diverse, in data de: 10-10-2016

Asociatia LUMEN are onoarea sa va invite la un eveniment stiintific asociat al 2nd Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference Multidimensional Education & Professional Development. Ethical Values | CEE MEPDEV 2nd edition | 17-19 November 2016 | Targoviste, Romania Prima editie a LUMEN CHP 2016 va aborda teme legate de problematizarea etica a profesiilor din domeniul sanatatii, in contextul deja controversat al practicilor la nivel European. Aceasta conferinta isi propune sa aduca impreuna practicieni si studenti din toate colturile Europei, precum si din afara. Termenul limita pentru normal registration este 20 Octombrie 2016. Lucrarile prezentate in cadrul LUMEN CHP 2016 pot fi publicate in volume propuse spre a fi indexate in Thomson Reuters (ISI) precum si in jurnale open access cu ISSN, indexate in baze de date internationale, publicate de Editura LUMEN. Va invitam sa contribuiti cu lucrari stiintifice, prezentate oral, virtual sau poster, in unul din domeniile conferintei LUMEN CHP 2016. Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa vizitati site-ul: http://lumen.international/chp/ Puteti trimite propunerile Dumneavoastre pe adresa lumeninternational15@gmail.com Va asteptam cu drag!
Localitatea: TARGOVISTE
Pret: 1 RON